SI*STARhood of the traveling journals

Thursday, February 27, 2014

->hhhhhhhhhhhhh, (Sound of huge inhale)

Yesterday I sent off Priti's journal to Love Dove.
Priti puts such wonderful LOVE in her art.
That love comes right out of the page and into the heart of the viewer.
This morning I received Oceandreamers journal.
->hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is all I can say! 
Can I exhale now?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spoiler alert

I have been working in Tere's journal.
It is about a magical circle of friends.
I did caricatures of us!
 Judie Macawhead
Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka
Priti Lisa Our lady of the red robe
gemma mama and grandma
Tere Extraordinary
Tracy Love Dove
Please no one get offended if I made your butt too big
It is all in fun!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mine should arrive at Priti Lisa's today!

I have received Gemmas!

This is going to be so fun!!


Monday, February 3, 2014

GONE. the mail.

My journal is traveling
through the U.S.P.O.
on its way to
in Arizona! 